

Dr Mark Peddey offers a premium dental service which includes comprehensive general and cosmetic care.


My Philosophy

I believe that I have a professional responsibility to deliver the very best that dentistry has to offer.


Meet The Team

Their skills are integral to the world class dental service we offer and the comfort, care and convenience that you can expect from us.

Home Care Instructions

We try to make dental procedures as painless and comfortable as possible. Post treatment discomfort can occur though and is usually minimal. If you experience discomfort that concerns you after a procedure please do not hesitate to speak to one of our senior nursing staff during office hours on 9531 0011. Dr. Mark Peddey is available after hours on his mobile: 0418 505 438 to all of his patients and their families.

Post-operative instructions following oral surgery

As with any surgical procedure, some discomfort, swelling or bleeding may occur. These instructions will help you the first few days. As always, Dr Peddey is very concerned about all of his patients and is available to you. Never hesitate to call if you are concerned about the after effects of your dental procedure.

Some bleeding is common — Bleeding is best controlled by the use of pressure. Bite on a moist piece of gauze or a wad of tissue. Place directly over the surgical site for a few minutes. Avoid vigorous rinsing, spitting or sucking through a straw the day of surgery because it may result in additional bleeding. If stitches have been used, they will usually be removed in a week. Avoid physical exertion or exercise for at least 48 hours after surgical treatment.

Medications — It is very important to take all your medications as directed. Antibiotics need to be taken if prescribed. Be sure to finish the whole prescription to avoid more resistant bacteria which may grow back faster and stronger.

Ice Packs — Ice packs can be applied to the face over the surgical area to reduce swelling and bleeding. For best results, apply the ice pack 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Never apply heat.

What to eat — Choose soft non-spicy foods that are neither too hot nor too cold for a day or two. Avoid alcoholic beverages and please do not smoke. Resume a normal diet as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.

Cleaning — Do not brush near the surgical area or use a non-prescription rinse for 24 hours because it may disturb healing. After 48 hours, rinse gently with warm salt water, three to 4 times daily. Clean the rest of your mouth normally.

Discomfort — Some discomfort may be expected after a surgical procedure.The amount will depend on the extent and type of surgery performed. Use Ibuprofen such as Nurofen or Paracetamol such as Panadol following package directions as needed. If the pain does not resolve please call the office. Moderate to severe discomfort may require a prescription medication. With a narcotic medication do not drive or use dangerous machinery.

Swelling — if swelling interferes with swallowing, breathing or vision you have an acute emergency that requires urgent medical intervention — call 000 immediately; if you are vomiting, fainting, or have a temperature over 38.5C please call the office during hours on 9531 0011 or Dr Mark Peddey on 0418 505 438, alternatively you should seek medical attention and contact your local doctor.

On behalf of all of us at Dentistry in Elwood please feel better fast!